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Writer's pictureDan Gochuico

The Little Mermaid (Chapter 12)

Updated: May 14, 2020

Hastily the Little Mermaid escaped the pernicious wood of the Sea Witch, lingering to steal a blossom from her sisters’ gardens. Since she was now mute and was going to depart forever, she felt like her heart would break. Kissing her hand a thousand times toward the palace, she then rose up through the translucent blue waters. The moon showed clear and bright as she approached the polished marble steps of the prince’s palace.

On the steps, the Little Mermaid drank the magic liquid. It seemed that a double-edged sword pierced her delicate body. Becoming listless, she fainted, laying like one dead.

When the sun rose, she recovered. Before her, stood the prince who fixed his ebony eyes upon her so earnestly that she cast down her own. Marveling, she became aware that her fish’s tail had metamorphosed into a graceful pair of white legs and petite feet as any maiden could have. The prince asked her who she was and where she came from. Although she gazed at him dolefully with her deep blue eyes, she could make no utterance.

Every step she took was like the Sea Witch had presaged. She felt like she was treading upon needles. However, she bore it willingly and stepped lightly by the prince’s side as a floating bubble so that all who beheld her wondered at her graceful swaying movements. After she was led into the palace, she was arrayed in costly robes of silk and acknowledged the most beautiful creature. Since she was mute however, she could neither speak or sing.

As lissome slaves clothed in silk stepped forward to sing and dance before the prince and his royal parents. At her turn, the Little Mermaid glided over the floor and danced enchantingly.

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