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Writer's pictureDan Gochuico

Florence Nightingale “Lady with the Lamp”

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Florence, Italy. She was homeschooled by her father, who was a very strict teacher. When she was 16, she was sent to Queen Victoria. She said that she had a divine call to go with the poor. Florence Nightingale wanted to work in the hospital, but her parents didn’t like. She traveled to Greece, Egypt, Paris, and Germany. When she was 33, she became the superintendent of a hospital in England.

In the famous Battle of Balaclava, the British were defeated. The Light brigade had 600 out of 900 cavalry dead because of the mixed signal.

The Crimean war was a battle between Russia and the Turkish Ottomans for the Holy Land and the Black Sea.

Florence Nightingale and 38 nurses traveled to Scutari from England to help the British soldiers. But in their camp in Bosporus Strait had no equipment. There were no supplies, no bed, no kitchen, and the place was contaminated. More of the soldiers died from disease than from the wounds. After 6 months, the Sanitary Commitee came and cleaned up the hospital, fixed the sewage system, and made a ventilation.

Because of her night watch in the hospital, walking around the hospital with the light of her lamp, she was called the “Lady with the Lamp”.

When Florence returned to England, she began to raise money fora nursing school. In 1860 she opened the Nightingale School and wrote Notes on Nursing. She was called the Founder of Modern Nursing.  May 12, (Florence’s birthday) became the International Nurses’ Day.

The awards she received are the Royal Red Cross from Queen Victoria, Royal Statistical Society, and the Order of Merit, which was Britain’s highest honors for service.

The End

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