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Writer's pictureDan Gochuico

MOH II - Lesson 5 - Martyrs of The Early Church

Christians hope for eternal life, and if they are persecuted because of their faith, they are called martyrs. The first people who persecuted Christians were the Jews. Ex. Saul/Paul. After the Jews, the Romans.

The first wave of persecution was from Nero. Paul and Peter were killed under him. The second wave was in A.D. 81-96 by Roman Emperor Domitian. He claimed that he has divine power, and everyone would worship him, burn incense, and chant their loyalty. If a person did not vow, they would be killed or exiled. John (the writer of Revelation), was exiled to Patmos island. The third wave was by Trajan. Trajan made it a crime by death to worship God. Ignatius was one of the small children that Jesus held and blessed. Ignatius was an old bishop, and he was thrown with lions in the Colosseum. He said:

“I am God’s grain, to be ground between the teeth of wild beasts, so that I may become a holy loaf for the Lord.”

A woman named Symphorosa was hung by her hair and drowned. Her seven sons were all stabbed to death because they refused to sacrifice to false gods. There were also two brothers, Faustines and Jovita. They patiently endured the torture that a man believed just by watching and said:

“Great is the God of the Christians!” (He was killed too)

The fourth wave was under Emperor Hadrian in A.D. 155. Polycarp, a bishop from Smyrna said:

“Eighty and six years have I served Christ, and He has done me no wrong; how then can I blaspheme my King, who has saved me.”

While Polycarp was being burned, he prayed:

Lord God, Father of our blessed Savior, I thank Thee that I have been deemed worthy to receive the crown of martyrdom and that I may die for Thee and Thy cause.”

A few years before Emperor Hadrian died, he made it illegal to kill Christians. Antonius Pius maintained the rule too.

However, the next emperor did not care about the law. The fifth wave was under Marcus Aurelius in A.D. 161-180. The Romans chanted, “Christians to the lions!” Justin Martyr (where martyr came from) died under Marcus. Justin was a philosopher in apologetics. He was scourged and beheaded.

A woman named Blandina said:

“I am a Christian; among us, no evil is done.”

During the sixth and seventh waves, the punishments were killing and brutal torture. During the eighth wave, A.D. 257, was by Emperor Valerian. People were stripped of property and exiled.

Great blessings belong to those who suffer persecution for doing what is right. God’s kingdom belongs to them. “People will insult you and hurt you. They will lie and say all kinds of evil things about you because you follow me. But when they do that, know that great blessings belong to you. Be happy about it. Be very glad because you have a great reward waiting for you in heaven. People did these same bad things to the prophets who lived before you. (Matthew 5:10-12)

The End

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