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Writer's pictureDan Gochuico

MOH Volume 2, Lesson 4 – Nero

Augustus Caesar ruled in the era of Pax Romana (Roman peace) (Luke 2:1). After his rule, good boy Nero came. He was 17 years old when he became emperor. He despised the built statue of himself, he hated to sign the death sentence for a criminal, and he detested the gladiators. As Nero grew, however, Nero became selfish and even ordered his mother executed! He also eliminated everyone who seemed to threaten him. Nero joined the Greek theater and the Olympics, where he won 1,808 winning crowns for chariot racing, which was his favorite sport.

In A.D. 64, The Great Fire destroyed two-thirds of Rome. There were suspicions that Nero started the fire, so he tried to avoid it by opening the palace doors to the homeless and needy to look innocent. Nero also blamed the innocent early Christians and ordered them to be killed. Because of this, some Christians hid in catacombs under the street. The catacombs were 10 feet wide and 6 ft high, and two to seven million people died. When Nero was 30 years old, the people disliked him so much that he decided to commit suicide by a sword in A.D. 68.

The End

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