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Herbs And Their Benefits

Writer's picture: Dan GochuicoDan Gochuico

Updated: May 14, 2020

Asthma weed/Tawa-Tawa.

  1. Anti-asthmatic

  2. For other respiratory ailments (cough, bronchitis)

  3. Anti-malarial

  4. Anti-inflammatory

  5. Antioxidant

  6. Antibacterial

  7. Antifungal

  8. Anthelmintic

  9. Hepatoprotective

  10. Analgesic

  11. Antipyretic

  12. Antispasmodic

  13. Diuretic

  14. For digestive problems

  15. Sedative/Anxiolytic

  16. Anti-malarial

  17. Antihyperglycemic

  18. Antihistaminic

  19. Galactagogue

  20. Anti-cancer/Anti-tumor

Bitter gourd/Ampalaya.

  1. Antidiabetic/Antihyperglycemic

  2. Antioxidant

  3. Anti-inflammatory

  4. Laxative

  5. Hepatoprotective

  6. Immuno booster

  7. Anti-gout

  8. Anti-rheumatic

  9. Antipyretic

  10. Galactagogue

  11. Astringent

  12. Analgesic

  13. Anthelmintic

  14. Antimicrobial

  15. Antimutagenic

  16. Anti-cancer

  17. Anti-psoriatic

  18. Anti-obesity

  19. Appetite stimulant

Black Mulberry.

  1. Antioxidant

  2. Anti-inflammatory

  3. Anti-diabetic

  4. Antihypertensive

  5. Laxative

  6. Antibacterial

  7. Antifungal

  8. Anti-aging

  9. Anthelmintic

  10. Antinociceptive

  11. Hepatoprotective

  12. Boosts immunity

  13. Helps treat colds and flu

  14. Helps increase bone strength

  15. Improves digestive health

  16. Improves eye health

  17. Improves metabolism

  18. Improves circulation

  19. Assists in red blood cell formation

  20. Supports weight loss

  21. Delays neurodegeneration

  22. Reduces cancer risk/Anti-cancer

Black currant tree/Bignay.

  1. Antioxidant

  2. Anti-diabetic

  3. Hepatoprotective

  4. For dysentery

  5. For indigestion

  6. Appetite-suppressant

  7. Gastroprotective

  8. Immuno booster

  9. Improves metabolism

  10. Laxative

  11. Antimicrobial

  12. Lowers cholesterol

  13. Anti-aging

  14. Supports cardiovascular health

  15. Regulates blood pressure

  16. Assists weight loss

  17. Antimutagenic

  18. Reduces cancer risk

Blumea camphor/Sambong.

  1. Antioxidant

  2. Anti-inflammatory

  3. Anti-urolithiasis

  4. Nephroprotective

  5. Hepatoprotective

  6. Diuretic

  7. Antihypertensive

  8. Anti-diabetic

  9. Anti-rheumatic

  10. Antidiarrheal

  11. Antispasmodic

  12. Antihyperlipidemic

  13. Anti-obesity

  14. Antibacterial

  15. Antifungal

  16. Anti-parasitic

  17. Expectorant

  18. Reduces cancer risk

Capsicum frutescent (Sili)

  1. Antioxidant

  2. Anti-inflammatory

  3. Antihyperglycemic/Anti-diabetic

  4. Supports cardiovascular health

  5. Improves circulation

  6. Cough and sore throat remedy

  7. Analgesic/antinociceptive

  8. Antimicrobial

  9. Treats gastrointestinal problems/digestive aid

  10. Improves metabolism

  11. Immuno booster

  12. Antimicrobial

  13. Antithrombotic

  14. Carminative

  15. Helps clear congestion

  16. Anti-ulcer

  17. Assists weight loss

  18. Reduces cancer risk/Anti-tumor

Cat’s whiskers/Balbas Pusa.

  1. Antioxidant

  2. Anti-inflammatory

  3. Antihypertensive

  4. Anti-diabetic

  5. Anti-rheumatic

  6. Anti-gout

  7. Diuretic

  8. Neuroprotective

  9. Hepatoprotective

  10. Nephroprotective

  11. Anti-nephrolithic/Anti-urolithiasis

  12. Anti-allergy

  13. Asthma and cough remedy

  14. Antibacterial

  15. Antifungal

  16. Antispasmodic

  17. Assists in weight loss

  18. Treats skin disorders/Maintains healthy skin

  19. Stress relief

Five-leaved chaste tree/Lagundi.

  1. Expectorant/Cough Remedy

  2. Sore throat relief

  3. Anti-asthma/Bronchodilator

  4. Antioxidant

  5. Anti-inflammatory

  6. Diuretic

  7. Antinociceptive/Analgesic

  8. Anti-allergy

  9. Antihyperglycemic

  10. Antimicrobial

  11. Anthelmintic /Anti-parasitic

  12. Promotes wound healing

  13. Hepatoprotective

  14. Improves digestion

  15. Carminative

  16. Relieves anxiety

  17. Promotes relaxation

  18. Insecticidal

  19. Reduces the risk of cancer


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Hello! My name is Dan, and I am 13 years old. I am the eldest of three children. This site is a collection of my writing assignments from the Institute for Excellence in Writing's (IEW) Following Narnia Volume 1: The Lion's Song, Mystery of History (MOH) Volume 4, and other books. Plus, some made-up stories.


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