We were standing on the rail of the boat. I saw something but I could not make out what it was. I thought it was islands but it was going closer. I ran to tell everyone about this mysterious thingy. But when I came back, it was gone!
Suddenly, a head popped out of the water! It was a sea serpent, which had purple blotches all over! Everyone was so shocked that they just stayed still at first, then ran to get their weapons. Crossbows, swords, shields, and loaded the cannons. We fought furiously but it won’t die!
Finally, it dived down underwater again. We rejoiced! Then it jumped over us. Then again. Then again. It was going to squish our boat! Edmund had an idea. He dashed up to the bird’s eye tower and called the sea serpent. The sea serpent heard and went up to him. And when it was about to eat him, Edmund stuck his sword in the serpent’s mouth and it died. Hooray!!!
The End