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IEW 2 Lesson 6-Rescuing Caspian

Writer's picture: Dan GochuicoDan Gochuico

Peter and Edmund were commanded by Aslan to inspect a hill. Trumpkin went along with them. While they were sneakily making their way through the halls, they started hearing voices. There were four people inside. Caspian, a hag, a were wolf, and Nikabrik a dwarf.

They were almost inside the room when suddenly, it was pitch black. There was a lot of clamoring before the lights came on again and the four were gone!

Peter suspected that there was a secret door. All of them looked for the secret door then Dr. Cornelius kicked something and a secret door emerged. Everyone ran in and before long they caught up to the four creatures. They fought until the hag, werewolf, and Nikabrik was dead. They rescued Caspian and walked back outside again.

The End

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About Me

Hello! My name is Dan, and I am 13 years old. I am the eldest of three children. This site is a collection of my writing assignments from the Institute for Excellence in Writing's (IEW) Following Narnia Volume 1: The Lion's Song, Mystery of History (MOH) Volume 4, and other books. Plus, some made-up stories.


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