Who likes chores? I don’t! I don’t like chores because they are so exhausting. But I do chores anyway. On the other hand, when I do them, I don’t study. Yay!!! I do them every day so I will not study.
In this paragraph, I will be discussing the chores that I do and when. The chores that I do daily are: washing the dishes, wiping the table, feeding our pet turtle, and watering the plants. The chores that I do weekly are: wiping the shelves, sweeping, changing the bed covers, vacuuming, and mopping. We also wash the car monthly.
Click the link for the behavior of our turtle:https://dandan869938645.wordpress.com/?p=416
We have a routine that makes us do chores alternately. Ex. Dan washes the dishes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. And every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Dan wipes the table. Because wiping the table is easier than washing, we added filling the water pitcher with wiping. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, mommy washes the dishes. And every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, she wipes the table. My dad helps us too. My grandmother, who wakes up early, takes out the trash because the garbage truck comes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 7:00AM.
The End