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Writer's pictureDan Gochuico

Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Germany. As a child he was Lutheran. But when he was old, he became an atheist.

He met Georg W.F. Hegel, who was also German. Hegel had a 3rd option, which was “goovil” (good and evil). In 1843 he went to Paris and found Friedrich Engles, who was Marx’s lifelong friend. Engles assumed that the rich people were greedy and were taking advantage of the poor. In 1848, they made the Communist Manifesto in Brussels and had it published in Belgium.

There are two classes in Germany. The Proletariat (POOR), and the Bourgeoisie (RICH). Bourgeoisie=owners. Marx thought that if you remove 1 class there will be NO MORE TROUBLE. So, he removed the Bourgeoisie.

Marx thought that  the rich are greedy and  if he removes them, it will bring harmony. He established the Re-distribution of Wealth. Everyone had equal money and there was no government.

Marx said that war was needed to make 2 classes into 1. 135 Million died in the 20th Century because of following this idea. Marx also thought that in socialism, the Government is in control of the production and industry.


  1. Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie.

  2. Karl Marx wanted to remove Bourgeoisie.

  3. Removed Private Property.

  4. Proletariat revolt.

  5. The government owns everything.

  6. Marx believed that socialism will bring balance.

Because Marx was a threat to the people, he was exiled to London.

The Industrial Revolution came. Men, Women, and Children were working in factories. But because factory owners were greedy, workers had to work until late at night and not be paid well. Because of that, Marx let the capitalists fall and said: “WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES UNITE!!”

The End

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