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Writer's pictureDan Gochuico

Treasure Island Summary 🌴(Chapter 1-11)

Updated: May 14, 2020

Chapter 1 (2/4/20(the date I wrote the summary))

The book starts when an old pirate comes to stay at the Admiral Benbow Inn. He pays Jim, who is the narrator of the novel, a silver fourpenny each month for looking out for seafaring men. One night, Dr. Livesey disobeys the pirate by speaking when the pirate tells him to stay quiet. The pirate threatens the doctor with his knife, but the doctor threatens him back and forces him to sit down.

Chapter 2 (2/6/20)

Another pirate named Black Dog comes to the inn and asks for Billy Bones(The first pirate). Jim tells Black Dog to sit down, and he will go fetch the first pirate. But when he came back, the two pirates started fighting. Billy Bones suffers from a stroke (not yet dies), and Black Dog disappears.

Chapter 3 (2/6/20)

A blind man comes to the inn and gives Billy Bones, a Black Spot. But when he jumps up from his chair, he falls face down on the floor due to apoplexy.

Chapter 4 (2/6/20)

Jim tells his mom everything that has happened; then, they start a treasure hunt. They find a key that is strapped to Billy’s neck. Jim uses it to unlock the chest in the pirate’s room. They collect everything inside and escape under a bridge. Jim’s mom faints.

Chapter 5 (2/6/20)

 Not long after, the blind man came again with a bunch of others. They discover that Jim had already escaped with the stuff inside the chest. But their search was interrupted by revenue officers. They scattered in all directions leaving the blind man to be squashed by the horses.

Chapter 6 (2/11/20)

Jim goes to Dr. Livesey and shows him the oilskin packet that they found along with the money inside the chest. They find an account book and a treasure map. A squire named Trelawney reacts at once and goes to find a boat in Bristol.

Chapter 7 (3/3/20)

After more delays, Mr. Trealawney finds a ship named Hispaniola. When Dr. Livesy comes back from London, and Jim comes from Admiral Benbow, they are ready to sail.

Chapter 8 (3/3/20)

Trelawney gives Jim a note to pass on to Long John Silver at the Spy-glass, a tavern in the town. Jim sets off happily to find the sailor. Jim recognizes him and introduces himself. Just then, another customer in the bar suddenly gets up to leave, attracting Jim’s attention. Jim remembers the man as Black Dog and informs Silver. Silver is introduced to Dr. Livesey and treats him with respect. Likewise, Livesey is quite pleased to have Silver as the ship’s new cook.

Chapter 9 (3/3/20)

While boarding the ship, Jim, Silver, and the others meet Mr. Arrow, the first mate, with whom Trelawney gets along well. There is some animosity, however, between Trelawney and the captain, whose name is Smollett. Smollett is very stubborn. He suspects that Trelawney talked about the map in public because he hears the crew talking about the treasure. However, Trelawney protests that he has said no one.

Chapter 10 (3/3/20)

The captain was right. Mr. Arrow got drunk and threw himself overboard. They choose another person to replace him. His name was Job Anderson.

Chapter 11 (3/3/20)

Jim hides in an apple barrel and overhears shipmates talking about their masters before. Another joins the conversion, and they told their stories until they heard a voice shouting, “Land Ho!”

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